How To Use Google Search Trends For SEO


Have you ever searched on Google? But stopped yourself because you couldn’t find anything relevant to what you were looking for? Google Trends is a feature that may be able to help you next time. 

Google trends are very helpful for SEO purposes. You can find out which keyword is gaining more popularity in recent days and which search term is losing its trending status.  Google search trends are one of the most effective free Google tools for SEO.

This article will help you understand what Google Trending searches are and how you can use Google Trends to boost SEO for your businesses. Let’s get started!

What are Google Trends?

Google Trends is a feature that shows how popular a given search term is in Google. In other words, how frequently it is entered into the search field compared to the website’s total search volume over a chosen period? Additionally, it provides information about the search volume index and users’ geographical location.

In Google search trends, you can also see what searches are currently trending. Or check how search volume has varied for your keyword in different locations. It is a tool to rescue businesses as it helps monitor customer interest shifts.

Tips to Use Google Trends for SEO

You can get help from Google trends in many ways. Here are some effective tips-

Find the trending related video or blog topics

To build strong content you have to consider the future too. Google Trends also helps you in this through the “Related Topics” table that allows you to see the top five broader topics. Consumers are looking into it through their searches. By this, you can quickly understand the upcoming trends. You can create blogs or videos based on these topics.

Try to optimize your local SEO strategy

You can use Google Trends to study the local trends that can help you to optimize your local SEO strategies.  It has a unique feature to produce the statistics of keyword searches of a particular area. The local businesses can profit from this by putting into practice a relevant SEO strategy. It varies significantly from one region to the other even in the same country.

Find Trending Search Volume

Trending search volume from Google Trends is the measure of how often particular terms are being searched for on the internet. The data is gathered by Google and presented as a graph that shows the relative popularity of the terms over time. This information can be used to help determine which topics are gaining traction online and identify potential trends. you can also use SEMrush for this.

Discover “breakout” keywords 

As Google describes it, “breakout” means that there’s not enough search volume data to generate a significant “before” and “after” difference. So, any search term that’s growing above 5,000% is considered a breakout keyword. Since these keywords are not competitive yet, you can be the first to establish a stable position before it goes mainstream. When it does, likely, you’ll already be on the first page of Google.

Try Long Tail keywords

For keyword research, we always look for long-tail keywords. You should do the same for ensuring the best use of google trends. Long-tail keywords can rank faster on Google. Also, it is easier to rank for the keyword. If the exact match does not rank on Google, similar terms might get a good rank and traffic.

Massive Traffic with Short-Term Trends

Using a timeframe like 30 or 90 days for keyword search can result in a priceless insight for rapid change in search trends. Google Discover and News both receive most of the traffic from mobile devices. While Google Discover is less relevant to trending topics than Google News, staying on top of current interests is beneficial for attracting a lot of visitors through Google Discover and Google News right now.

Watch what competitors are doing

Google Trends has a “Compare” option, using which you can understand where you stand in the market. You can compare up to 5 search terms and see who’s growing faster to then analyze their doings. Along with the basic competitive SEO research, Google search trends can help you understand the underlying reasons for shifts in the industry. You can also check what customers are looking for in your competitors. For this, look at the Topics box after you’ve entered your competitor’s name in the search line.


As modern consumers up their demands, and Google updates its algorithm, we’re at the point when utilizing Google Trends data is more valuable than ever. If used right, Google Trends can be a tremendous help in developing an effective SEO strategy. From picking a niche to planning a content calendar, to creating a highly personalized marketing campaign, you can get valuable insights on all of these using Google search trends.

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